Thursday, January 28, 2010

I went to the Social Security office and I am now officially SARAH ANN CLARK...I know finally, only took us 8 months and Camden's up coming delivery to motivate us to get this done :) Now all we have to do is wait until my card comes in and we can get everything with the military changed as well....and my passport....and my drivers license...phew there is still a bit to do, l.o.l :)


Anonymous said...

I know how that is. I changed my name in December, and I'm still not done changing everything else! YOU ARE DUE SO SOON!!! :)

A. Kerr said...

I gotta go do that. I keep waiting thinking maybe at some point I could do it without dragging the kids out too. Ya right. Guess I should just go get it done. 2 years i probably long enough. Love ya all!

Lili and Joshua said...

Don't worry, after you get the driver's license and social security done, everything else is a breeze.

katelinklug said...

You are better than me. I've been married 4 1/2 years and I still haven't changed it. We just keep forgetting about it! :(