Thursday, May 13, 2010

Camden's two month stats:

Camden is quite the big boy:
At two months he now weights:
14.7 pounds and is almost 25 in. long!!!!

At the Doctor's appt. today Camden flirted with all the nurses and was cooing for them like crazy, it made us all laugh. Then when the nurse gave him his first shot he looked at her like "why would you hurt me when I was smiling and being all cute for you" and then he started screaming! But he was brave and only cried for 30 seconds!!! Camden got a clean bill of health and is growing and gaining weight (obviously, l.o.l) very good!!!


Katie Webb said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog. Camden is so cute!! I couldn't find an email address, but I thought maybe I could email you with some questions about the area. my email is clint dot katie at gmail dot com. If you don't mind, I'd love to chat with you.

sbdunn said...

Camden is getting so big! And I love his hair - so spiky in most of the pics!!! I'm glad you guys are loving Texas. BTW - I saw the house pictures on facebook and it looks amazing!