Nathaniel's schooling is now in full swing, I just asked him if he was liking school and he just looked at me like crazy!!! But really I think he is enjoying it, Nathaniel ALWAYS has to be doing something or accomplishing something or it drives him crazy, so I think he enjoys being busy! This past tuesday Nathaniel had a mandatory "social" for all BOLC 3 students here at Fort Leonard Wood and some how I got roped into going with him....So we arrive at this social thingamajig...AND I was the only one in CIVILIAN clothing...That's right for the first 20 minutes I was the only wife there with about 60 soldiers...I definently felt a bit ackward!! But then the guys from Nathaniel's company that I know started showing up and it turned into a GREAT time. Nathaniel has a great company and it is always a ton of fun being with them, we thought we would be the first ones to leave but ended up being the last ones out of there because we had such a great time talking with everyone!
Nathaniel still LOVES socializing and we still ended up throwing some get together at our house 2 to 3 times a week! Usually it involves delicious food (aka PIZZA) and a game of CATAN!!! At first I hated that he ALWAYS wanted people over at our house, But when I met the other wives at the social the other day and they didn't know anyone, I was thankful that I was friends with most of the guys and girls from Nathaniel's company, and even if I didn't know them they still came up and talked to me because they had heard about me!!!
Nathaniel has also decided not to attend Sapper school because he wants to be around when Camden is born, WHICH I am very Thankful for :) It is going to be a CRAZY/life changing time and it would be very hard without him there! BUT this means we will need to report to Fort Hood on March 25....21 days after my due date...WOW, life is going to be busy, we are keeping our fingers crossed that Camden will decide to come just a little bit early! ALSO Nathaniel's dad and brother are coming to visit us in Texas in April (hopefully :) and that is when we have also decided to bless Camden!!!
NOW ON TO ME...THE MOST IMPORTANT PART!!! I am doing great, the pregnancy is going fantastic....and except the expanding Belly......and butt and thighs and everything else, I don't have any other pregnancy symptons, which I am very thankful for. We had a ultrasound a couple of weeks ago and Camden is growing like a weed, we got to see his 10 little fingers and 10 little toes and he kept on sticking his tongue was ADORABLE!!! Although I fear by the time he comes that I will weigh close to 300 pounds, hahaha, o well :)
During the day I watch a cute little puppy named Teddy, his owner is in Nathaniel's company, but lives in the officers barracks and can't have the dog in there during the day because of the house cleaners, so I offered to watch him, it's a great way to earn a little bit of cash....although he is still a puppy, which means HOUSE TRAINING!!! He is doing a lot better now though, with going to the bathroom outside!!!
Nathaniel and I are having a great time here in Missouri. This past week, he had off for veterans day so we drove to Branson, MO and enjoyed a "broad-way" type of show, the day was great.
We are loving our ward here, and was actually just called to the Nursery today :) Our ward has a little over 20 nursery kids, so it's a BIT crazy, but we enjoy it! We also have a FABULOUS ward. Yesterday we got to attend the temple with them for our ward temple trip, it was such a neat experience. Then today after church we enjoyed lunch with the ward at the "linger-longer" and brought a pie to help fill up baskets for needy families for Thanksgiving!
Nathaniel and I have also made great friends with a couple that just moved in down the street from us. Blake is in Nathaniel's company and they found out last week that they were both LDS and became pretty good friends, so we had them and their little 1 year old boy over for dinner and ever since then we have gotten together several times, we all have a great time together :) Sara is also pregnant with their second child, she is a couple of months behind me, but it's still a lot of fun talking about our pregnancies...ALSO now i never have to go to the officer wives events by myself!!!
Well I think that is about it! We are doing great and LOVING life!!!!