Friday, August 29, 2008

Well the first week of fall semester is OVER...only 14 more weeks to go..hahaha!!! I actually really like my classes this semester. My history professor is a bit "strange", but it is my favorite subject, so the class will hopefully be great. I LOVE my speech communications class. The teacher is great, I'm not looking so much forward to all of the public speaking I will be doing, but even that wont be to bad!!! My concepts of physical wellness should be interesting, I have really started to love going running...but now that I have to...well lets just say I hope I still love it after this semester...hahaha...and last but not least, english class....BLAH...ever since 9th grade english with Mrs. Stokes (I think that was her name...although I have tried to forget it..l.o.l) english class has never been the in HORRIBLE!!! HAHA, O well, it should be interesting!!!
Well that's about it. Tonight I get to see Nathaniel and go to the first West Point football game of the season...hopefully they will win..hahaha (for any of you who know the W.P. football team...well lets just say they haven't consistently won in quite some time) although it is DEFINENTLY worth it to go to the games because the cadets are hilarious...imagine 4,000 cadets at a football game!!!!!
This weekend a group of us are going camping, I'm so excited!!!! It should be a ton of fun!!!!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Sarah! I am glad that school is going well so far. I am back in school...again. I decided to postpone my graduation and get a minor in...English! Haha, even though I was also scarred by Mrs. Stock, Mrs. Coon and my love of books made up for it. Good luck with the rest of the semester!