Monday, July 26, 2010

Weekend in Washington State

This past weekend Nathaniel, Camden and I flew up to Seattle for Nathaniel's dad's wedding. The weekend started out EARLY friday morning when we left our house at 5:30 a.m. and headed for the Austin Airport, although we left super early we just barely made it to our flight in time! I was a little nervous about how Camden would do on the airplane, but the worrying was for nothing, he did GREAT! We got so many comments from everyone about how good Camden is. It is true Camden was a great little boy on all the flights, he even flirted with every girl who looked at him....and then even laughed at a guy who walked past us with a very very long beard!!! Needless to say friday was still a very long day off traveling...a total of 12 hours from the time we left our house until we arrived at Nathaniel's families house!!!

Saturday was a perfect day. We all went through a session at the Portland, OR temple and then to the sealing. It was a neat experience. While we really miss mom we are very happy for dad and the great lady he married, Elise! and are happy to have SISTERS on nathaniel's side of the family, Elise has three girls, Kayleigh, Miranda, and Jenna who are all super sweet and very nice! After the sealing we off course took A TON of pictures then everyone headed over to this amazing thai restaurant for the luncheon. We then all made our way back up to Seattle for the reception that night. The reception was at a family friends house, The Burtons, and was absolutely beautiful. ALSO I got to see my good friend Grace Payne, that was very exciting!!!

That night we went to bed around 11 p.m., and I have to say Camden was a little trooper, he did so well the whole day especially without to much of a nap and everyone wanting to hold him.

Then the next day (sunday), we packed our bags up and flew back home to Texas. It was a short, great weekend and we are very thankful for the wonderful family that we have!!!

Camden smiling while waiting to board our plane in Seattle, WA.

Dad and Elise coming out of the Portland, OR temple.

Camden with Aunt Michelle!!!

Family picture time :)

Camden with his Aunty Heather.

Nathaniel and Camden hanging out in the airport

Mommy and Camden in the airport.

Just hanging out on our layover in San Jose, CA

Airplane Time.

Camden taking a nap of our flight to Washington.

1 comment:

The White's said...

Wow, I am sorry you had to make it such a short trip, I bet it made for a LONG weekend. I am gald that you were able to go though. The Portland Temple is my favorite temple, it is so pretty and the grounds are breathtaking. I am glad all is well and that Camden is such a trooper, that always makes trips easier when the kids cooperate :)